Friday, February 28, 2014


Try this 300 Workout if you are stuck and unsure what you should be doing!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

It isn't enough just to eat healthy, or just work out. Do both, and see how amazing you feel!

Earn it

You get what you give when it comes to your fitness. Make your time at the gym count and EARN IT!

-Jon and Ty

Monday, February 17, 2014

Be Safe!

It may seem like common sense, but it needs to be said... BE SAFE! 

Safety when lifting is an important thing to remember. Do you have a good grip? Do you have a spotter? What about equipment? is everything in working order?

You should make sure the plates are secure on. The other day I there was a man working out with his girlfriend. Both forgot to secure the plates, and the guy ended up losing the plates on both sides. One landed on the woman's foot, and she had to be rushed to the hospital.
A perfect example of why you need to be careful and double check that you are being safe. If you aren't, you could hurt yourself, or someone else.

If you see someone being unsafe, don't hesitate to say something. It is for their own good.

Be safe and keep lifting!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Lifting Like a Pro

Video on youtube

Keep up the great work!

Setting Goals

“Set your goals high, and don't stop until you get there”

          Everyone one has fitness goals. Wether it is to lose 50 pounds, gain 20, or simply just feeling healthier everyone has something they want to achieve. As for my personal goals; I want to weight 215 and be able to bench press over 300 pounds. Here is a little challenge for all the readers: Take a piece of paper and write down your goal. Now take that goal and take it somewhere you see at least once everyday, I recommend the fridge. You will now see this goal everyday and it will help motivate you toward your goal. My advice to you is to set your goals high. Sky high. Map out your progress to help you along your way, set milestones and REWARD yourself when you hit those milestones. Before you know it you will be reaching your goals and setting new ones! Let’s get out there and achieve those goals! Keep checking back and let us help you reach your goals! 

- Jon and Ty 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Motivational Video

Needing a little extra lifting motivation..? Check out this awesome youtube clip!!
Never give up!

-Jon and Ty

Spread the Word



Omega Fitness wants to help you reach your goals and keep you motivated.

    We are just starting out and need your help spreading the word about us and what we are all about.

    Subscribe to or blog via email (the top text field), follow us on Twitter (@omegafitness365), like us on Facebook (Omega Fitness), and follow us on
Google+ (Omega).

    Leave us a comment, or contact us (right sidebar) and tell us your fitness goals, and keep checking back for a daily dose of helpful tips and motivation.

    Keep up the good work and strive to reach whatever goals you may have. We are here to help you.

---Jon & Ty

P.S. Happy Valentine’s Day

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