Welcome back everyone!
Fitness.. That seems to be the focus of a lot of people these days. Everyone seems to be trying new diets and posting there gym seflies. It is great to see so many people getting out there and trying to change there lives for the better. I know for me it wasn't always all about the gym life. Its tough to get out there and do it day after day after day. Where did my motivation come from? Its got to come from within. Something in your brain and your mind needs to tell you to get out there and go do it. Make a change. Thats what has lead me to where I am right now.
Feel good, look good. I want you all to keep this in your mind and close to your heart. Fitness is about you! Its about you feeling better about yourself and making yourself a better person. It shouldn't be to go out there and be bigger than someone else because they called you small once. That may be a good driving factor for a day or maybe even a week. But it boils down to you. If you feel good about yourself and you are out there working your tail off week in and week out, your going to look good.
Keep that in mind this week as your head out there. Keep up the good work!
Stay tuned for more health and fitness!
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